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Vibrant Church Simplified

Implemeting the Strategic ​Plan of the CME Church

Rev. Tawanna B. Harris, 6th ED Coordinator

Bishop Thomas L. Brown, Sr., Presiding Prelate


You don't have to do it on ​your own.

Click Here

and tap into

for assistance, schedule ​training,

or join a cluster.

The Connection

Acts 2:1-4

Bishop Thomas Brown

Map of Georgia


Core Team

Rev. Dr. Valerie Tate

Sis. Shirlyn Granville

Rev. Dr. Andre Loyd

Sis. Sierra Adrews ​Thompson

Tawanna B. Harris

Getting Ready

Bible Study-Begin 14 Days of Prayer

Vibrant Church Session 12

Vibrant Church Manual

Vibrant Church LMS

Vibrant Church Youtube & Social Media

Vibrant Church Meetups

Vibrant Church Support

Vibrant Church Celebrations

Vibrant Church Check-ins

Vibrant Church Library

Vibrant Church Reporting

Tawanna Harris

Bible Study

Designed to position thoughts, minds, and hearts to God for direction, posture, and vision for the Vibrant Church iniative and Culture

Tawanna Harris


8 Questions to evaluate the best process mix and support option to recommend to a church and benchmark establishment

Tawanna Harris

Pre-Work – My “Wishlist” for ​my church

& Continue revising Vision and ​Mission Statements

Choosing to get past trust ​issues

Locate a printed copy of your ​church’s history and ​membership roster.

Tawanna Harris

The Framework

Step 1- Face Now

VCW Sessions 1-9

1.1– What Works/What ​Needs Work, Part 2 &

Work drafting/revising ​Vision and mission ​Statements for your ​church.

1.2 – Is my congregation ​vibrant?

Be working on Vision ​and Mission Statements

& Complete draft of ​Vision and Mission ​Statements

1.3 – Considering My ​“Wishlist” for my church

& Continue revising ​Vision and Mission ​Statements

1.4 - Marketing Plan for ​Igniting VCI at the local ​church

Tawanna Harris

Step 2 - Embrace Next

VCW 10-11,13-18

Assignments: 2.1 -Choosing to get past trust issues &

Finalize Vision and Mission statements based upon critiques received

2.2 – Perform a contextual analysis of your congregation

2.3– Prayerfully revisit

the Turnaround Team in your local church

2.4– Turnaround Teams will meet to have a Foundational Alignment

Discussion and create a schedule of when the Turnaround Team will regularly meet.

2.5– Turnaround Teams will meet to complete the Start / Stop / Continue and “Gap Analysis” Exercise

2.6– Based upon findings from “Start / Stop / Continue” and “Gap Analysis”

Exercises, write 2-3 goals you have for your church to become more vibrant & identify the one person who will lead and be accountable for the achievement of each goal.

2.7 - establish at least 2 networking connections & discuss your Impact Statement with at least one of your networking partners/connections.

Tawanna Harris

Step 3 - See New

VCW 19-20


3.1 - will finalize your 2-3 year plans to be(come) a vibrant church.

3.2- each Turnaround Team to present their Vibrant Church Plans to

special guests who are being invited to see that we are taking seriously the CME Church’s Strategic Plan; it’s

more than words on paper, but principles being put into practice. This session will be a great opportunity for

local church congregants who did not participate in the full workshop to be introduced to what will be happening

in churches across the District as a result of participants’ engaging in this Vibrant Church Workshop.

3.3- Formulation and review of support and accountibility plan.

Tawanna Harris

Step 4: Work the Plan

-Vibrant Church Plan implementation

-Support Implementation

Tawanna Harris


3D note paper. Sticky note. 3D illustration.

In this framework, ​each participating ​church will be ​"walked through"

how to produce a

Vibrant Church Plan

Map of Georgia



Vibrant Church Plan

Map of Georgia


Key Outcomes

 (1) focused Vision and Mission ​statements for their local church

 (2) a Community Contextual ​Analysis of their church ​community,

 (3) S.M.A.R.T. Goals for ​their local church,

 (4) a GAP Analysis of their ​congregation, and

 (5) a 3-5 year plan to be(come) a ​more vibrant local church

You don't have to do it on ​your own.

Click Here

and tap into

for assistance, schedule ​training,

or join a cluster.

The Connection

Acts 2:1-4

The Original

Vibrant Church Workshop

with Rev. Dr. Van Carl Williams

16-Week on demand

Step by Step

video coaching through the

Vibrant Church Process

to a Vibrant Church Plan

